The Leadership Pie. Choose Well. Bake Well.


Grandma’s pie was always all good. But the whole of the leadership pie may not be. 

The leadership-sphere is chock full of ideas, models, theories, lists, videos, invitations, and proclamations.  But not all that seems sweet and savory is what you hoped. 

Are all the slices of the Leadership Development Pie right for you?

There are reasons why they may not be.

  • The pie may not be fully baked. Much of what you find in the leadership-sphere is full of good intentions, but not all of it is full of good experience, good design, or founded from good thinking.

  • Some of the pie is unhealthy. Some of what you find is very nicely presented but is not really from any good intention, and at worst is hard to see as more than self-promoting or commercially focused. 

  • Some of the pie leaves you, unfulfilled. Some experiences serve an immediate sense of enthusiasm, inspiration, or exhilaration, or ego-gratification; not enough that is sustaining.

  • Some slices are too much to digest. It is easy to be lost in the detail and shotgun in our exploration of leadership and our own leading and development. 

  • I really wanted a piece of (name) pie. Sometimes just what you need seems to be missing, so you accept a substitute or go without.

  • Sometimes, what is offered is just the wrong thing, the wrong amount, the wrong price, or the wrong time.

How can a student of leadership, coach or consultant, a middle manager, an L&D specialist, a CHRO, CLO or CEO choose the rights servings of the leadership pie?

Our Goals in We Lead Global are:

  • to serve-up the missing parts of the pie

  • to serve-up the best parts of the pie

  • to notice the rest

By adopting a common non-exclusive framework for leadership and leadership development, the parts are more easily compared, and missing or improvable parts become more apparent and have the benefit of the collective attention of the profession.

This same alignment and collective engagement around the parts of leadership shine a spotlight on what is best. We all (or more of us) notice and recognize what is essential and valuable.  We bring our best creative and co-creative resources to engagement with learners and development practitioners.

Our courageous and generous engagement, our trust and respect, our collective intelligence, collective influence and collective ambition will bring the best forward and leave the worst off the table.
