
Who says?

The Clear Council was formed as part of The Prometheus Project to bring together cross-disciplinary global experts to create a clear, useful, plain-spoken and robust voice to quiet the noise and quell the confusion about development and leading.

We recognized the impossible challenge for learners and professionals to wade through and digest the (literally) millions of bits of information about leadership and human development.

If every post, every blog, every book, every video was read or watched and assessed and integrated nothing would be achieved.

Decades of research has been completed and experts, influencers and practitioners say different things and offer fragmented propositions about something that should be cohesive and approachable. With The Prometheus Project Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Organization and Industrial Psychologists, Leadership Theorists, Adult Development and Adult Education, Coaches, Facilitators and Consultants will come together in one voice and provide clear understanding and a path to development.

The Clear Council’s membership is by invitation. It is term-limited. It is voluntary. It is balanced across self-interests in the industry.

Its goal is to sustain a clear useful workable framework for communication, goal setting, development design, program planning and strategies with which to align the entire industry of resources for leadership development. A rigorous and transparent process supports the quality of its mission, the understanding and adaptability of its work products and ensure the on-going continuing refinement fueled by feedback, research and experience of the professional community.