An Executive Mind
I think about the team it will take
In a future where there is little or no routine - every member of the team and every business partner has a context to lead - and needs to be prepared to lead.
As an executive, you share three lenses of who leaders are, and how to find or develop them.
You are an accomplished leader. Chances are, you’ve been working on your own inner capacities and skilled adaptive behaviors. You have important insights and a voice. This is a place for you to pay-it-forward, to give-back, and still, learn more.
You have the responsibility to frame the context for your organization. Part of your job is to make the organization that you need and lay a strategic people foundation. Find exciting experiences with insightful peers and accomplished experts, here in WLG.
You lead with the team you have. There is no time for ideal at the expense of results. We are a pragmatic group and we know that there is heat today that needs a perspective today.
Perfection Mindtrap
We all have held the assumption of the perfect leader or superhero. This is a recipe for frustration and disappointment - because it is never the reality.
You will never be the perfect leader. The urgency and importance of your situation will most always arise beyond your personal capacity and skill. More and more, the realistic strategies for leadership and leading is a collective strategy of co-leading and co-learning.
Development Mindset
Leadership development has never been a ‘once and done’ event. More and more, the realistic strategy for developing leaders is systemic, holistic and interdependent.
Leadership is no longer the exclusive goal and accountability of executives, but necessary (and transforming) for people at all levels and in all contexts.