Tom Bohinc

Tom spent most of his professional career leading business transformation and service innovation at scales from Fortune Global 50 to Start-ups from both consulting and internal executive-level positions. It was the challenges of real-world engagement in complex business challenges that focused Tom’s attention on social and personal dynamics that enable or constrain movement in teams, groups, organizations, and communities.

These real-world contexts are the foundation of Tom’s work as a thought leader and facilitator of collective learning in the leadership industry through The Prometheus Project’s research and its community.

In Tom’s view of leadership, leading is a choice open to each of us at any moment, and it is a shared responsibility in any organization. The path to effective leadership is overcomplicated by many factors, but all of us need a more clear and hold more accessible relationship to the factors that open our capacities to lead and that characterize the actions of leading. This is why The Prometheus Project has the mission ‘to make leading clear and leaders common”. And, this is why all of the Prometheus IP is shared without cost.

Tom founded The Prometheus Project in January 2019. He was the lead author in peer-reviewed published research with Jonathan Reams Ph.D. and Richard Claydon Ph.D. on The Leadership Commons Framework. That was published in August 2020. Version 2.1 of that framework was published in Dec 2021. Version 3.0 of that framework is being released in parts over 2023.

Tom works full-time for The Prometheus Project and has limited availability for executive and development coaching.
